Your Support Is Making a Difference

These are just a few of the many students whose lives you’ve improved by supporting CSULB. Thank you!

Your continuous support is what allows me to follow my dreams and take the necessary steps to reach my goals. I hope to be able to give back to the CSULB community in the same way in the future.

Jonah Deocariza

Through the Theatre Arts program, I was able to study abroad in England, network with classmates and find a career I am passionate and confident about. I have also been a part of the University Honors program, which encouraged me to do a thesis project where I wrote and produced a full-length play that premiered in my theatre department. None of this would have been possible without your support, so once again, thank you very much.

— Jonah Deocariza
Senior, Theatre Arts

I am a first-year student and plan on pursuing a career in graphic design. Currently, I am working as a freelance artist and have collaborated with the marketing team of a haircare company. I continue to advance my skills by consistently creating artwork. I have also started incorporating representations of social issues that I am passionate about and sharing them on social media.

Lastly, I am in the University Honors program. My experience at The Beach has been highly positive and I have enjoyed my time here. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be here. I am incredibly grateful, and this would not have been possible without your extensive support.

It is incredibly inspiring to witness the immense amount of strength of the university’s support group. Through your representation and efforts of humanitarianism, we are enlightened. Students are inspired to also give back by utilizing the opportunities available at Cal State Long Beach.

— Bianca Sanchez
Freshman, Art
Sienna Sanchez

Your continuous support has shown us the value of philanthropy. Because of your philanthropic efforts, you have inspired students like me to one day give back in the same way you have.

— Sienna Sanchez
Senior, Sociology

Your continuous support has shown us the value of philanthropy. Because of your philanthropic efforts, you have inspired students like me to one day give back in the same way you have.